Taking Down Knowledge Management Barriers is a nice overview of the social barriers encountered when trying to introduce knowledge management systems into an organization. Worth a look.
what do knowledge management workers know?
mr_bean on 2007-01-06T11:21:05
That's an interesting field, Knowledge Management, more for the promise that it shows than the knowledge that they have gained about knowledge management.
Actually the discussion itself is pretty disappointing. But the idea of discussing how you work together to create and spread knowledge in a technological area is interesting.
It seemed that they see a lot of problems. More than successes. Probably because they are talking about companies. It reminds me of the problems in schools.
Open source, and perl in particular, and CPAN as a concrete case, on the other hand, seem like a contrasting case of great successes. No doubt due to the autonomy of the contributors.
But would that kind of self-analysis by CPAN result in even greater successes, or would it be the kind of talk that destroys its success?